Check Out The Dang Archives:


This will eventually be an archive of many tattoo machines I've made over the years. Before you read any further, please focus on the image above for a few seconds.  That third eye, the one in the middle of her forehead, looks a bit strange.  Anyway, machines available for sale will be listed at which links directly to my Big Cartel store. If you look at the picture above for long enough, it starts to feel like you are getting sucked into some sort of portal.  Not the good kind of portal where you just end up somewhere else and fully in tact, but the kind where it reassembles 60-70% of you correctly and then it just kinda gives up.  Similar to that movie the Fly, but less entertaining. No plans this evening? Go blow into a bassoon for a few hours.  You'll learn a lot about yourself and the difficulty of double reeded woodwinds. Beware, for some don't make it back to this plane of reality.  Again, really check this lady out!  Look into her eyes!!! She's going berserk traversing the friggin' multiverse.  Welcome to hell  ;)  Love you...  say it back.......